Author Shanita Liu Uses Divine Femininity to Ignite Courage and Empower Women in Her Debut Book ‘Dear Durga’

photo courtesy of Shanita Liu

written by Alya Somar

“For me, I just had to call in my courage and say ‘I am enough.’” -Shanita Liu

During a trip to India in search of answers to identity and belonging, Shanita Liu ran into a postcard of the Hindu goddess Durga. This chance encounter became the foundation for Liu’s life coaching empire.

Shanita Liu is an Indo Caribbean award winning writer, TEDx Speaker and former Fulbright Scholar from Queens, New York. A licensed life coach, Shanita has used her knowledge and expertise to empower her clients to use the courage within them to overcome obstacles. “Dear Durga” is her first book drawing on her own experiences to uplift readers.

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“Dear Durga” is part memoir, part self-help. In 2015, Liu started to write letters to Durga. Those letters went on to become the basis of the book by encouraging readers to forge a relationship with their inner selves and build strength. Through Liu’s honest and witty voice, readers get a first-hand look at the struggles Liu overcame through courage, embodied as the metaphorical Durga. 

photo courtesy of Shanita Liu

Sections of the book include first-hand memories of painful life events such as losing her grandmother and coping with postpartum depression, followed by hands-on ways to employ Liu'’s Courage Kit. Liu developed her Courage Kit through her years of coaching experience. This four-phase process is meant to be a practical way to channel one’s inner strength into a metaphor they can turn to in times of need, the same way Liu has turned to her metaphor of Durga. There are step-by-step breakdowns of how readers can mentally, physically and emotionally employ the Courage Kit to empower themselves. 

Throughout the book, there are letters between Durga and Liu speaking to one another about moving through difficult situations. The dialogue between the two is both challenging and reflective, matching the tone of the entire book. 

TEDx Talk with Shanita Liu

Liu uses her story and coaching beliefs to question the problematic beliefs of Caribbean culture. She does not shy away from sensitive topics such as gendered expectations and self-expression within the Caribbean diaspora. Liu calls out the colonial history that has led to pain in her personal life, and the lives of fellow Caribbean women. Through the lens of self-empowerment, Liu seeks to connect with women and mothers who share her culture but does not limit her teachings to any specific group. 

“ West Indian cultures like mine, our communities dwell in distrust. And given our oppressive histories, can  you blame us?” - Dear Durga

Through the metaphor of Durga, Liu has been able to channel her inner confidence during the most rigorous moments of her life. Liu hopes to connect with readers to ensure a more self-assured future for the next generation of West Indian women. “Dear Durga” is a testament to Liu’s commitment to sharing knowledge to heal and uplift generations of women to come.

“Dear Durga” is available on Audible and paperback. Click here to get your copy.
